by dshort | Oct 4, 2016 | Blog
A great deal has been written regarding leadership development and growth. Benjamin Franklin is an inspirational leader coming from humble roots and the following article links his leadership and lifelong commitment to learning in a way we can all can embrace. This is...
by dshort | Aug 29, 2016 | Blog
Organizations expect tangible results from those trusted with leading change. However success can be inconsistent even within organizations; why? Annette Verschuren, CEO of NRStor and formerly of Home Depot Canada and Michaels Canada, shares her secret to delivering...
by dshort | Jul 12, 2016 | Blog
As a leader, your time is limited and to achieve your strategic objectives you need to surround yourself with talent. It’s not about you needing to know everything, it’s about leveraging the talent within your team to the greatest advantage. In leading highly...
by lyourkin | Mar 26, 2016 | Blog
A place to gather together to share ideas, knowledge and experiences with others. A place where sharing is open, honest and promotes personal and professional growth. The search for such a place was the start of a journey leading to the launch of 3P Exchange. It has...